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Topic: World of Warcraft Classic' is a smash hit

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World of Warcraft Classic' is a smash hit

World of Warcraft Classic" launched Monday at 3 p.m. PT — and in typical fashion for the biggest massive multiplayer online game around, the occasion was marked with obscenely long wait times just to get started. In the end, I wound up waiting eight hours or so just to log on.To get more news about Buy WoW Shadowlands Gold, you can visit lootwowgold news official website.

"Classic" is a subtly revamped version of the original version of "World of Warcraft," which was originally released in 2004. Technically speaking, it's based on version 1.12 of the game, which was released in 2006. To put this into perspective, the modern "World of Warcraft" is at version 8.2.

"World of Warcraft Classic is a faithful recreation of the original World of Warcraft," Blizzard's website says of the game. "Combat mechanics, original character models, and [player skills] all contribute to a truly authentic experience."The new version of the game, called "vanilla" by longtime fans, was a curious one for many people. I mean, who wants to pay $13 to $15 a month just to play a more difficult version of a game that already has a bevy of expansion packs?

There are many players who first stepped into the world of Azeroth in the 2000s and can reminisce about countless hours spent grinding, finding groups for quests and raids, and just walking around, taking in the sights.

All of these elements made it the nostalgic experience that many have called for in the wake of the big changes that "World of Warcraft" has made over the years, bringing fresh content and user-interface features that simplified the experience. This new approach makes it easier to survive in-game and look for groups — but at what cost?

The original game was a cultural icon. It spawned viral memes, was featured in TV shows, and eventually helped combat the denigrating stereotypes of "gamers." It defined a genre of games, broke sales records, and became the gold standard for the countless online games that emerged.I first started playing "WoW" a year or two after its original release and sank countless hours leveling at least a dozen characters from different factions, classes, and races. Unlike the more dedicated players, however, I never managed to clear all of its 40-player raids or participate in world assaults against a faction's capital.

Still, despite this slightly more casual approach, I stuck with "World of Warcraft" for a while. But over the years, I lost touch with all of my former guildmates and renewed my subscription only when Blizzard released an exciting new expansion pack. Otherwise, I sort of fell off the wagon.

Will the launch of "Classic" redefine gaming as "World of Warcraft" did 15 years ago? Probably not. But Blizzard's move to cater to the sentimental desires of its fans is a step in a refreshing direction.

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