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Topic: Advantages and disadvantages of laying wood flooring material

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Advantages and disadvantages of laying wood flooring material

Solid wood flooring Disadvantages: difficult to maintain: wood floor installation are higher, once installed properly, can cause a series of problems. Complaint rate has been high floor installation issues to explain the problem. That is to say, from the beginning of the installation, you have to spend a lot of time to pay attention to the installation of solid wood flooring. And other installed, worries remain. Due to the stability of solid wood flooring is not good enough, the indoor environment is too wet or dry when bagging easy, warping or deformation and other issues. And they often have good pavement after waxing, oiling, otherwise glossy surface of the floor soon disappeared, when really tiring.

High price: Due to the impact of various factors, solid wood flooring has been maintained in a higher price, and no cuts are likely in the short term. Now the market is slightly better, more secure quality wood flooring prices are 200 yuan / square meters. All told, the money spent on really solid wood flooring and ultimately, the family still have a tight budget to weigh weigh. There are two more problems, so that solid wood flooring is destined to become a certain economic strength, there is enough time and energy to care for family choices.

Solid wood flooring Advantages: cool: As the thermal conductivity of wood is small, so it has good material as the floor thermostat role, especially in the cold winter, the activities of people in the household will not feel stiff legs, unlike strengthen step up the floor so I feel cold. Natural beauty: natural wood, its texture rings tend to give a return to nature, the feeling of getting back to basics, regardless of texture and beauty are unique, this is an artificial floor in any case can not achieve quality. It is because with the above five advantages, will be so favored wood flooring, solid wood floor pavement at home and even became manifest decoration quality mark.

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