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Topic: Bamboo flooring product requires innovation

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Bamboo flooring product requires innovation

Chinese flooring industry since the 20th century, 80 so far this year, more than 30 years of history, not only did not fade popular wood flooring, but more and more popular these days. It is has a very complex history, cultural traditions and realistic reasons. And Chinese Civilization wood culture is closely related, but also with the living traditions of the Chinese people, in particular to strengthen the floor after 1994 into China, to accelerate the development of the wood flooring industry, and strengthen the concept of the floor first to be accepted. The laminate flooring excellent quality, durable, bamboo flooring can not if the quality and price of laminate flooring in direct competition, the preconceived laminate flooring will stay ahead. Historical experience tells us that bamboo culture, though not as far-reaching cultural influence wood, but after all, handed down from generation to generation. Bamboo culture is bound to have a place worthy of recognition. These people's lives are inseparable from bamboo products bamboo products, toothpicks, dustpan, broom, bamboo chopsticks and bamboo mats etc. These products are of the same type of wood products after winning blows. We want to save the bamboo flooring, it is necessary to avoid weaknesses, whichever strengths, focus aired. Some manufacturers to promote its focus on the bamboo culture and in fact desirable, to a wooden bamboo culture no culture that has a long history, and secondly, bamboo culture with severe geographical restrictions. We should see that, in recent years, bamboo flooring to return to the domestic market, though tepid, but it is not nobody cares. This is because the bamboo flooring has its natural advantages. Bamboo than hard wood, bamboo flooring is more robust than the wooden floor. No infestation bamboo, bamboo flooring is more than anti-moth wooden floors. Bamboo is not filtered water, bamboo flooring is more moisture than wood. Bamboo naturally cool, cooler than the bamboo flooring wood floor. In addition, bamboo flooring fragrance, texture, appearance, the most important is green. Demon hard wood timber, timber bamboo is easy, bamboo is a more readily available raw materials. Compared to the extensive use of wood flooring, bamboo flooring affect the ecological environment less. Development of bamboo flooring needs a peaceful environment. Strengthening the floor price war among enterprises is endless, myriad forms new wood flooring enterprises, bamboo flooring hard light of day. Therefore, bamboo flooring company only increase innovation, increase product research and development force, identify the product positioning, peace can not play one country in the flooring industry.

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