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Topic: Steel companies earnings decline

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Steel companies earnings decline

The profitability of steel companies traditional product line has seen a serious decline, in response to industry as a whole winter, Xinjiang Bayi Steel as the largest steel producers, among the earlier work of extending and expanding the industrial chain, a few years ago began to develop production and seismic reinforcement, and actively promote the pace of replacement products, the current steel production has the full realization of the earthquake, the strategic plan work so early and rapid development is closely related to conduct eight steel. This year rebar production enterprises put forward higher requirements, the use of technical reserves began producing high-intensity seismic reinforcement HRB500E. High-intensity seismic reinforcement both shock resistant and high-strength features, due to the high strength, reinforced HRB500E comparable HBB400E steel reinforced save 12% -16%, shock resistance, convenient construction, significantly reduce the project cost, reduce carbon emissions, etc. with good economic and social benefits. In April this year, the Department of Housing and the Ministry was first proposed in the country vigorously promote high strength reinforced work, Xinjiang is determined to be one of the pilot provinces and cities. Since Xinjiang dry climate, seismic intensity is high, a large amount of high-rise building construction, the demand for higher proportion of high-strength steel. This time promotion programs Xinjiang Housing and Construction Office issued in 2013 clearly stated priority 400MPa and high-strength steel, 2015 construction projects above 400MPa grade high strength steel and the use of volume reached more than 65% of the target.

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